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Rodahl,K.,H.Frøseth,T.Eklund,T.Guthe and R.Bjorklund: Effekten av fysioterapi på pasienter med epicondylitis radialis. Fysioterapeuten
The patients were tested before and after the treatment with reference of the strength of the hand grip, extension strength in the long finger, and the endurance of the long finger extension.
The results showed a significant improvement in all of the three parameters tested.
A control study involving repeated testing of the same parameters in 15 healthy persons, showed no statistically significant difference between the repeated measurements. One may therefore assume that the changes in muscle strength and endurance which were observed in the patients as a consequence of treatment, were due to the treatment.
The results of this project show that under standardized conditions, it is possible to use objective tests to show the effect of different types of treatment of the neuromuscular complaints in question. The project also shows that the method of treatment which was used (Skanlab 25 Bodywave) resulted in both subjective and objective improvement in a significant number of the treated patients, suffering from typical epicondylitis radialis symptoms. Of the 28 patients treated, 21 reported that they felt better after the treatment.
Article in Massage & Kroppsvård – Tidskrift för Manuella Behandlingsmetoder, Sweden referring to Skanlab study
Rodahl and Frøseth, Professor resp. Physiotherapist has published in Physiotherapist no. 12 (1994) a study of methods to evaluate the effects of physiotherapy on epicondylalgia. Short wave therapy has been used with the help of a Skanlab 25 Bodywave. Patients were selected according to three criteria: 1. Smart at isometric contraction of the forearm radial muscle group, 2. Smart at passive stretching at the finger and wrist flexion, 3. Palpation smart at the radial muscle group and the epicondyle. The treatment has been done at 1 MHz and for 8-10 minutes at 6 to the cases. The evaluation has been carried out with objective methods: 1. Feeding of the hand's contractility; 2. Feeding the middle finger's maximum stretching force; 3. Feeding the sustained heat at a load of the middle finger in a tight position with 500g. They also did counter responding feeds to 15 healthy persons on two different occasions as a control group. Results shows that no differences are seen in the healthy group. Significant increases in muscle power and endurance are obtained in the treatment groups.
Logging av muskelspenning i arm-og skulder- muskler ved bruk av mus og pc. Rapport om "Hydro mus" prosjektet, februar/mars 1992
K.Rodahl, T.Guthe, L.D.Klüwer, T. Eklund.
The findings are the patient data and results of EMG for each patient previous to treatment in the next study below.
This investigation was done at NORSK HYDRO – one of Norway’s largest companies.
Måling av behandlingseffekt
T. Eklund, H.Frøseth, L.D.Klüwer, T.Guthe og K.Rodahl.
The study included three tests:
A: Testing the maximum force the subject could develop in the grip by squeezing a mechanical spring showing the developed muscle power. expressed in kilograms (Fig. 9)
B: Testing the maximum extension force of the middle finger. expressed in grams. by holding a spring weight upwards over the nail of the subject, while the subject was urged to lift his middle finger against the spring weight, while keeping his other fingers down on the table top (Fig. 10).
C: The endurance unit under extension of the middle finger, loaded with a 500 g solder hanging at the end of the middle finger. was painted with a stopwatch (Fig. 11). At the same time, EMG was registered. with electrodes placed over the extensor digitorum muscles (Fig. 12).
Regarding the effect of the Skanlab 25 treatments, seven of the subjects indicated that they were better after six treatments. while two indicated no improvement. After a further four treatments, i.e. 10 treatments. a subject felt worse
(due to intense workload overload), one felt no improvement, three felt better. and three had become completely symptom-free
Measurement of treatment effect of epicondylitis patients Radialis (tennisalbu), treated by the condensator method with Skanlab 25 Bodywave. Report no. 3, oslo, december 1993
H, Frøseth, T. Eklund, LD. KIüwer, T. Guthe, R. Bjørklund og K. Rodahl
The purpose of this project was to develop methods of being able to objectively record the impact of the treatment as patients with malfunctioning disorders undergoes. For practical reasons, one initially chose to investigate patients with epicondylitis radialis treated by the condensator method Skanlab 25 Bodywave.
A series of orienting experiments showed a significant improvement in the extension force and the endurance of the middle finger in a group of 9 patients with epicondylitis radialis. In another group of 9 subjects with the same disorder found a significant improvement in the extension power, and a moderate improvement in the endurance, which was not statistically significant, after treatment. The final, A systematic study was carried out at a physiotherapy institute in the Oslo area. It included six patients with typical symptoms of epicondylitis radial ice, treated six times with Skanlab 25 Bodywave, strength 4 in 10 minutes. Before and after treatment, patients were tested for the power of the handle, the extension force of the middle finger and the endurance of the middle finger extension.
The results showed a significant improvement in all of the tested parameters. Three of the patients felt subjective improvement. A control study with repeated measurements of the same parameters of 15 healthy individuals, no statistically significant difference was seen in the two measurements. One can therefore assume that the changes in muscle strength and endurance were observed as a result of the treatment, is real.
The project also shows that it used treatment method (Skanlab 25 Bodywave) provided both subjective and objective improvements in a significant proportion of patients treated with typical epicondylitis radialis symptoms. Of the 28 patients tested, 21 felt of them had improved after treatment.
User meeting October 1994
Lars Carlsson, Sport o. Motionsskadeklinikken, Vänersborg, Sweden
Dr. Nils Englund, an orthopedic doctor with a background from Germany, is the project manager and collaborates with Lars at the Vänersborg Institute.
Summary from meeting:
Double-blind study of tendinitis in shoulder, Achilles tendonitis, Wrist, "Runners knee" and plantar fasciitis, tibia periostitis and bursitis in Achilles.
The starting point for the survey is based on the experience of SKANLAB 25 BODYWAVE over a 2-year period and with the positive results obtained on just tendinitis. Lars' treatment principle has always been, and will continue to be, able to provide the patient with the optimal offer and at the same time start the treatment procedures as quickly as possible. In their work, different research methods often use, among other things. video and treadmill to examine lower extremities. Then treatment such as mobilization, Skanlab 25 Bodywave (sometimes ultrasound and Skanlab) as well as correction with shoe inserts. In other cases, stretches are often used where the Skanlab treatment has made it possible to start much earlier.
* 36 (16 men and 20 women) patients in the study, all of whom have undergone an in-depth examination of Dr. Englund before and after the study.
* Patients have gone through a questionnaire and paid nothing for the treatment.
. The study was approved by the Medical Ethical Council in Sweden.
* All patients are treated according to the treatment manual in terms of time (10-15 min) and strength.
* Patients are treated 3 times / week.
* Lars has treated everyone in the investigation
* 2 Skanlab appliances are used, one being blind (all functions work but no power to the electrodes)
* Patients do not know what to feel.
* The examination is subjectively measured by the patient and the general condition of the physician. Uses VAS scale;
a: Absolutely good c: Something better
b: Much better d: No change.
* In addition to traditional examinations, blood tests have been taken to see changes in possible inflammation.
Some patients remain in different groups, but the project manager Dr. Englund is now working to finalize the scientific conclusions that will be available at the beginning of
1995. Lars concludes with; treatment results are much better than first expected. It is now desirable to compare Achilles-tendinitis treatment with Skanlab with the treatment provided by, for example, ultrasound.
Objective assessment of the effect of treatment of Tennis elbow (lateral humeral epicondylitis) with
Skanlab 25 Bodywave
K.Rodahl,M.D.,Professor emeritus, H.Frøseth,senior physiotherapist, S.Mæhlum
M.D.,Professor and J.Meyer,electronic engineer.
All the measurements were made on six healthy volunteers at the Top Athletic Center in Oslo, with the written consent of the Regional Committee for Medical Research Ethics.
The recording of the deep subcutaneous tissue temperature was made with the aid of a thin needle electrode, diameter 0.9 mm (Termo element.type K, produced by TECK Instruments Ltd, Tranby, Norway). It was inserted obliquely through the skin into the periosteum over the lateral epicondyle. The skin temperature over the epicondyle was measured by a skin electrode (Grant Instruments Ltd.,Cambridge,England) fixed by tape above the area where the deep tissue temperature was measured. Both electrodes were connected to a Squirrel electronic minilogger (Grant Instruments Ltd.}, which stored the readings which were taken every second. Both temperature electrodes were calibrated against a standard thermometer.
In order to find out how long the increase in the skin and subcutaneous temperature remained elevated after the treatment, the electrodes were, in one case, lefl in place for about an hour after the treatment.
Finally, the same procedure was repeated with a Skanlab 25 Bodywave instrument in which the active unit was removed, as a blind test, in one subject using exactly the same procedure as in the real experiments.
The results show mean increase in the deep tissue temperature of 0.9°C, which is statically significant (P<0.05). All the six subjects had an increase of the deep tissue temperature after the treatment. The mean increase in the skin temperature was 0.8°C. This increase was not statistically significant (P>0.05). The increase was observed in 4 of the subjects, while 2 of the six subjects had no increase in the skin temperature after the treatment.
As is evident from Fig.3 and 4 it took about 45 min. before the elevated temperature after treatment had come down to the pre-treatment level.
Fig.5 and 6 show that the blind test, in which the active unit of the Skanlab 25 Bodywave was removed, had no effect.
Conclusions: This was confirmed by measuring the deep tissue temperature with a thin needle electrode inserted obliquely through the skin into the periosteum before and after treatment with a Skanlab 25 Bodywave, strength 4, for 10 min. in six healthy volunteers. The mean subcutaneous deep tissue temperature increased by 0.9° C, which is statistically significant (P<0.05). The increased deep tissue temperature lasted about 45 min. A blind test showed that a Skanlab 25 Bodywave instrument in which the effective mechanism was removed, had no effect.
Abstract / summary
Treatment of neck myalgias with Skanlab 25 Bodywave
Pilot Survey conducted by Dr. Bo Martinsen, Health Partner Oslo and
physiotherapist Lise Brautaset, Vinderen Physical Inst. Oslo (completed Nov-95)
The objective of this pilot study was 2-fold; 1; - try Skanlab 25 Bodywave as treatment method for neck myalgia patients and 2; - assess the subjective experience of efficacy
The participants in the project were selected from the doctor's usual patient material.
They had come because myalgia.
After a general medical examination in which at least very sore neck muscles were detected during palpation, the patient was asked about willingness to participate in the project.
The treatment would be free of charge and last over 2 weeks
The patient had to commit not to use antiflogistics during the treatment period. No length of suffering or intensity was selected.
Only women aged 20 - 60 years were offered.
The Skanlab treatment was for 2 weeks with 6 treatments and the manuals were followed.
Patients were divided into 2 groups where 14 patients received 10 minutes and 14 patients received 12 minutes. The treatment area was described as the upper part of the left trapezius and towards cervical columna, down along left side of thoracic columna to Th3 and up around scapulae and out towards the left shoulder arch and the area inside. The treatment was performed with large, calm circular motion. Corresponding layout on the right. Muscles that get treatment are Trapezius, upper and middle part, lavator scapulae and Rhomboid minor.
Of a total of 28 patients, 16 patients answered that the treatment was comfortable, 8 that it was very comfortable, 3 comfortable and relaxing and 1 replied that the treatment was felt to be comfortable. In addition, wanted several treatments of Skanlab 25 Bodywave in combination with other treatment. 1 felt that was fine with short treatment which worked well and 1 felt the treatment worked better than tablets. 1 patient became worse. In addition, everyone was asked if they could recommend the treatment. Of 28 patients answered 26 yes, one was uncertain and one answered no. It must be added that the treatment was free of charge for the participants in the project.
The aim of the project was not to test the optimal treatment schedule in terms of treatment frequency, length and treatment points. Therefore, we have no clear conjectures if we would get others results when using a different treatment approach.
The patient experienced Skanlab 25 Bodywave as a comfortable treatment, but should only be used isolated in the case of clear related acute and "simple" neck myalgias.
Patient data in document 01b, received from one of the authors February 2020.
The treatment effect of electrostatic electrotherapy in medial tibial pain syndrome – a diploma work Author: Hanne Larsson & Karin Scherdin
The study suggests that active rest is a good treatment method for MTSS and that electrostatic treatment with Skanlab 25 Bodywave can help reduce the pain experience.
Sixteen subjects were randomized to a treatment group (n = 8) receiving treatment with Skanlab 25 Bodywave and a control group (n = 8). Both groups were given an order active rest (exercise that does not trigger or aggravate the problems). The test subjects in the treatment group was treated 10 times evenly distributed over three and a half weeks. All the subjects completed the study. To evaluate the effect of the treatment was measured pain threshold with algae (at the transition between middle and distal third of the tibiadia physis and at the tenderest point on the medial tibia rim); pain relief on pain drawing and pain estimation on VAS. The measured values ​​were performed after pain provocation (running) both before treatment and partly one week after treatment. The treatment group improved significantly compared to the control group algometer measurement at the transition between the middle and distal thirds of the tibia diaphysis. The other three parameters did not indicate the transition between the middle and the distal one third of the tibiadia. The other three parameters did not show any significant difference between the groups. There was a significant improvement within each group regarding all four measurement variables with the exception of pain estimation in the control group where none significant improvement emerged.
The effect of treatment with Skanlab 25 Bodywave on the deep subcutaneous temperature of healthy subjects
K.Rodahl, S.Mæhlum, H.Frøseth,B.Fossan og O.Søvde 1997
It has been previously shown by measurement with needle electrodes that the Norwegian-produced Skanlab 25 Bodywave induces a temperature rise in the subcutaneous tissue of the elbow and that this reasonably explains the positive effect of the treatment of tennis elbow with this the apparatus over the lateral humerus epicondyl (1). The purpose of this project was to investigate whether this heat development can also be detected in deeper tissues, such as 4 cm below
the skin on the lateral side of the thigh.
Procedures, subjects and methodology
All the measurements were made at Toppidrettsenteret, with consent of the regional committee for medical research ethics. The subjects were students at the Norwegian School of Sport in aged from 21 to 45 years, five women and one man.
The observations during this project indicate that the Skanlab 25 Bodywave device, used at full strength (strength 6) is capable to develop a substantial temperature, increase in the deep tissue 4 cm below the surface of healthy subjects. The increased tissue temperature has a substantial duration.
Diplomarbeit Daniel Gesslbauer, Akademie für physiotherapeutischen Dienst in Graz
This study was carried out on twelve patients with Gonarthrosis.
There were originally 14 patients enrolled in this study who had grade I or grade II Gonarthritis. Despite intensive contact with some doctors in the district, it was not possible to book the desired number of participants in my work. Of the desired 14 patients, only twelve took part in the study and it cannot be ruled out that some patients were not already in stage III or grade IV Gonarthritis, since in most cases a medical diagnosis was made, but not a verifying X-ray or MR findings were available.
Exclusion criteria for the test subjects were activated arthrosis in order not to intensify the inflammation process during electrotherapy, metal implants in the treatment area or in the immediate vicinity of the treatment area, the presence of a pacemaker, sensitivity disorders, circulatory disorders, acute neuralgia, malignant or benign tumors, and hemorrhage a current pregnancy of the test subjects.
Furthermore, care was taken to ensure that the patients did not receive any additional therapies and did not exercise new sports during the period of the study, in order to rule out any possible influence on the results.
The average age of the test group was 50.8 years, that of the control group was 44.8 years. The youngest subject was 22 years old and the oldest subject was in the age of 68. Seven female and five male patients take part, with the test group consisting of four women and two men and the control group consisting of three women and three men. In ten of the twelve test subjects, risk factors that favor the development of Gonarthritis could be demonstrated. Only two people, including a lady in the test group and a gentleman in the control group, showed no risk factors that apparently favored the development of osteoarthritis, neither in the professional field nor in everyday sporting activities.
The results of this study have shown that long-wave therapy as an additional therapy for the rehabilitation of the lower extremity in patients with Gonarthritis can have better results in terms of pain symptoms than an isolated rehabilitation according to Sohier in combination with a placebo treatment.
Both groups, the test group and the control group, were able to improve their baseline values ​​from the start of the study within the seven therapy units in all control parameters. It was shown with all the parameters that are geared to the patient's sensation of pain that the test group was able to achieve a clear improvement compared to the control group.
The control group was only able to outbid those end values ​​of the test group in those test parameters that were not geared to the pain sensation of the test subjects. The test group also saw an improvement in the stride length and gait rate, but the outcome at the end of treatment was always influenced by the warming of the treated tissue, which led to detonation of the peri-articular muscles.
The hypothesis that deep heat treatment with a long-wave device as additional therapy has a positive effect on the pain symptoms associated with gonarthrosis was thus confirmed in this study.
Effect of heat treatment with Skanlab25 Bodywave by lumbago-ischias – a randomized study Rickard Niia, 2013
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effect from a clinical perspective of heat treatment with Skanlab 25 Bodywave against long-lasting lumbago ischias pain, as well as mention possible physiological mechanisms underlying long-term lumbago ischias. A total of 28 individuals participated. These were divided into two equal groups in one randomized control study and the population are between 20-60 years. All individuals in the group, both control groups as well as test group, received treatment with Skanlab25 Bodywave for 12min 3 occasions per week for 4 weeks. However, it was only the test group that received actual treatment at the Skanlab machine was turned on. The results of the control study showed that there was a pain difference individual for individual in the test group after completion of study. There was also a statistical difference the groups between when comparing them to each other. A significant level of X2 x 0,05(1) = 3,84 according to table was added to this study to check the credibility and results indicates that there is a causal relationship between Skanlab Bodywave and reduced lumbago sciatica pain (P <0.05) for absolute value of high frequency heat with Skanlab 25 Bodywave against lumbago ischias.
Case Studies
Case Report
Behandlung eines Heamatoms im M Rectus femoris mit Skanlab
Physiotherapapist Roland Svensson
Mr. Andersen - a case study
Mr. Andersen, is a 24-year-old soccer player. He came to my practice after an injury. He was kneed by another player during training on the field, in the thigh, 20 cm above the knee. I wasn't there when it happened and saw the player the next day.
Unfortunately, he only put on ice for 15 minutes after the injury and no compress.
When he came to me, he couldn't contract the quadriceps without pain.
Day 1: Compression and 2 crutches
Day 2: Treatment with Skanlab 12 minutes, start with energy level 9 and decrease if it was too warm for the patient. The treated area was 6 x 6 cm2. After the treatment, he was able to do some very simple activities: Easily activate the quadriceps sitting on the couch with the knee straight without any pain (important).
Day 3: The muscle is less tense and the patient feels less pain. Start with Skanlab treatment 12 minutes. After treatment, the patient is able to cycle for 15 minutes with little resistance.
Day 4: Start with Skanlab treatment 12 minutes. The patient feels no pain when the quadriceps contracts on the couch and the patient cycles for 15 minutes. After cycling, I stretch the muscle very carefully for 4 - 5 minutes without getting it to its full length.
Day 5 and 6: The same procedure as on day 4. On the 6th day of treatment I finished the Skanlab treatment and slightly increased the resistance on the bike.
From day 7: The patient starts with various forms of training, such as light jogging on the treadmill and stimulation of the neuromuscular control.
On the 12th day back on the field he was able to play football again in full.
Why use HF Diathermy - Skanlab 25 Bodywave?
Skanlab 25 Bodywave is based on the HF capacitor field method.
The device generates a high frequency AC field of 1.0 MHz, with the patient being part of the capacitor field. This produces an optimal, local deep heat, which increases the temperature significantly and lasts longer than 45 minutes after the treatment. ( Rodahl 96-97)
Skanlab treatment is a very valuable method for this type of sports injury. By increasing the temperature you can:
• Increase in cell activity
* Increase blood supply and circulation in the treated area
* By increasing the blood supply in the area, more oxygen is brought into the cells and thereby the process of regeneration is stimulated
* The increased blood supply helps the body to absorb edema (bleeding)
• In addition, the elasticity of the muscle is increased.
These mentioned effects from the treatment with Skanlab help me in my daily work with patients to reduce the rehabilitation time, and in my opinion is a very good and successful method of treating hematomas in the muscle.
It seems that early use of Skanlab treatment in rehabilitation shortens the time to recovery. Of course, rehabilitation can go faster and / or slower, depending on the size of the injury.
I believe that treatment with Skanlab has an important place in the rehabilitation of sports injuries and is valuable as a pre-treatment before any activity is prescribed.
Development of theory and practice about the traditional shortwave devices - New appliance tested over 3 years based on obtained results from standardized forms for treatment with Skanlab 25 Bodywave in the period 01.04.88-01.03.91 Kjørvik, O.E., fysio (MT) Frøseth, H., fysio.Myklebust M.,fysio. Høye,K.
Based on the old SW devices we would do a survey to see if the electrotherapy in this field had gone any further. It was used a Norwegian-produced device called Skanlab 25 Bodywave which provides one electrostatic alternating current field of 1.0 MHz (300m) and has an output power of max 25 W.
Particular attention was paid to pain reduction, vascular / circulatory effects
deep-lying connective tissue structures, contractile element, and intra- and peri-articular structures of collagenous tissue. The diagnoses have been related to the musculoskeletal system and the most common ones that occur in institute practice, possibly an overweight of sports injuries. To some extent, we have run blind tests with other devices to exclude some of the placebo effect, but more objective physiological tests are kept outside and we have concentrated on the concept of Bodywave and the practical / clinical observations made.
We have had very good results in the treatment of intra-articular disorders,
cruciate ligament injuries and deep ligaments, especially those related to spine / sacrum. In particular, the results in the treatment of chronic pelvic pain, deep ligament and stretch injuries and to some extent treatment of certain cases of fibromyalgia / soft part rheumatism has been striking good and concurrent.
The results now available with treatment with Skanlab 25 Bodywave appear clearly indicating that we have here received an electrotherapeutic that extends our possibilities to adequate tissue impact in physical medicine. Especially applies to influence of deeper structures of collagenous tissue and treatment through and behind cartilage and bone tissue
Dr’s report: Case report with scintigraphy.
Dr. Sigbjørn Elle, Elverum Medical Center
Referring to policlinic skeleton scintigraphy of 13-10-90 and 15-02-91.
The clinical picture has had the character of long-lasting pains under left foot in behind. The pain has been worsening a lot although a minimum of usage. (appr. 100-meter walk).
After the first scintigraphy examination the underwritten has appr. 20 treatments with Skanlab 25 by Knut Høye.
Clinically the situation is much better after this treatment series.
Referring to the skeleton scintigraphy, changes are also much better.
Dr. S. Elle (sign.)
Reflections about The Olympic Winter games 1998 in Nagano from the view of medical care of the alpine riders – Herman Maier
Prim. Univ,D02:.Mag.D.Dr. Anton Wicker
On medical devices we had low and medium frequency stimulation current devices, ultrasound devices, a special, newly developed Longwave unit therapy device (Skanlab), which has been very well preserved, as well as options for carrying out low-level oil therapy.
Andreas Schifferer had suffered a dislocation of the left shoulder during the downhill run 2 days before the departure to Nagano. He was treated for the journey and the first 2 days in Japan with a shoulder bandage that allowed him only slight movements in the shoulder. At the start of the training, a special shoulder tape bandage was applied every day before the start of the training, which limited elevation, autotensive and retroversion in the pain-free area. Lymphatic drainage, laser therapy and a special long-wave therapy (Skanlab) were also added once a day. The complaints improved daily and Andreas was able to go into the Olympic race in good condition, he just missed a medal.
The outstanding ski athlete of the winter, Hermann Maier, had problems in the area of both shinbones in the sense of an overload reaction due to the heavy loads of the past weeks. We treated daily with longwave, Skanlab, laser acupuncture and lymphatic drainage. The situation improved quickly and Hermann was able to go to the Olympic downhill largely symptom-free and fully resilient.
20 seconds after the start, there was probably one of the most spectacular falls of alpine skiing. After a flight distance of around 60 meters and a flight height of 5 - 6 meters, several overlaps, the penetration of two security fences, he then came to a standstill, thank God in the soft snow outside the ski run.
He was injured, especially in the knee. Long explanation of the injuries follows. Then:
In addition to the aforementioned therapeutic agents, we now also started long-wave treatment of the knee joint with the Skanlab device
Case study on
World champion Frank von Behren
Physiotherapeut Olaf Schüler von SportReha Herford
Regenerate like a world champion
Everyone surely remembers this year's “winter fairy tale”!
Millions of enthusiastic television viewers, hundreds of thousands euphoric fans in the halls, the most gigantic handball party of all times with 28,000 participants at the reception of the city of Cologne. Germany became world champion at the 20th men's handball world championship in their own country. A fantastic achievement in advance by no means favorite team and a huge image gain for German handball. The title win was all the more surprising since the German team, with experienced trainer Heiner Brand, had many Injury failures were affected. Including the absence of 158-time international and defense chief Frank von Behren, who according to Brands "is currently in the position in the defense center is not to be replaced”.
The cross with the knee
Von Behren, nicknamed "Franz", retired in the DHB Cup game by Vice Master SG Flensburg-Handewitt against DHK Flensborg on 26.09.2006 a tear of the anterior cruciate ligament in the left knee and fell out for 6 months. He was already with him in October 2002 Torn cruciate ligament in the right knee. The handball professional had fought back and found back to old skill level. To new season was the 1.98m tall VfL backspace player from Gummersbach changed to SG Flensburg-Handewitt.
Just a few days after his accident, Behren was in the Winghofer clinic of the DHB team, Doctor Dr. Berthold Hallmeier in Rottenburg and Dr. Helmut Röhner operates. Then one closed Multi-month rehabilitation measure in SG therapy and - Health center in Flensburg.
A case for SportReha Herford
He put the finishing touches on his comeback in competitive sports Behren within 3 weeks during the Handball World Cup at Sport Reha Herford, the official rehabilitation center of the Olympic base Westphalia. He completed 2 weeks of his program in Herford, 1st Week in Cologne, so there was a lot of variety. In the health center for rehabilitation and prevention the handball professional once again trusted the great experience of Physiotherapist and rehabilitation trainer Olaf Schüler, who already has the successful regeneration after the 1st cruciate ligament rupture.
The national player also benefits from SportReha from the modern high-tech equipment, the generous premises and the numerous cooperations with providers in the athletic and medical field.
Therapy with deep effects
As a result of the cruciate ligament tear, von Behren experienced instability of the entire left knee joint. Against this, as first therapy, a bilateral fascia technique of the entire lower one limb as well as a trigger band treatment performed. The upper and lower ankle were mobilized, as was one Talus blockage and an existing functional flat foot diagnosed could become.
In the area of the pelvic region was a left-sided Illium posterius as well as a blockage of the symphysis. Here was both manual-therapeutic as well as muscular treatment. Furthermore, mobilization of the cuiforms of the left foot was carried out.
The patient was treated twice a day, before and after exercise the Skanlab 25 Bodywave®. This device generates one optimal, deep local heating of the tissue. The heat directly affects the blood vessel walls and leads to a local one Hyperemia, which results in increased blood supply in the acute area. The thereby intensified metabolism ensures a very quick healing. The muscles in the treatment area will be relaxed, the trigger points resolved, the pain relieved and achieved more mobility.
Step by step to top form
In order to optimize the patient's running style, after consultation prescribed new running shoes and insoles with the team doctor, which are adapted to the weight of the patient and one Counteract overpronation. Then with extensive basic training like that running on different surfaces, jumping or balancing - also barefoot - to improve coordination and proprio-Reception worked. Exercises to strengthen the foot muscles as well. The measures were accompanied by ankle work.
In the weight room, training increased with light weights and many Repeats the strength endurance. Always important: it became constant trained in muscle chains. - Other active elements were the aqua Jogging and specific leg axis training. As an intense The LBH region's stabilization program was a cable pull training prescribed.
By using the Galileo, an electronic wipper that works with variable frequency stimulating human gait muscle strength and performance as well as balance skills expanded. In addition, the Vastus Medialis and the leg extension in an open and closed system on the MTT devices trained.
The regeneration was passively supported with osteopractic and with the help of the Skanlab 25 Bodywave®, with which now even striking trigger ligaments and trigger points in the area of the illiotibial tract, Piriformis muscle and quadratus lumborum were treated.
After a few days there was an improvement in the symptoms to recognize. The new magnetic resonance imaging showed both significant relief from the acute inflammatory situation and a optimization of the entire tissue situation. When no activity pain could be provoked more, the coordination and speed training made more intensive.
The comeback is imminent
Frank von Behren was able to go back in late March, begin team training and continue treating himself in parallel to easy sport-specific training and running. A lot high performance levels were possible again. The movement coordination was greatly improved. The National player is counting on participating in the Final Four Tournaments for the DHB Cup in Hamburg on April 14th and 15th
Case study
Hannspeter Meier
(HaPe Maier) REHA Valznerweiher
90480 Nuremberg
Experience report REHAPE
The final of the DFB Cup was held in Berlin on May 26, 2007. After a long time
Suffering from a foot injury, Marek Mintal was pain free again play. The nomination paid off in the 27th minute. He scored the 1-0 for the 1.FC Nürnberg. However, the joy lasted only for a short time. In the 35th minute he was kicked off by a rough foul by Stuttgart's Fernando Meira.
The devastating diagnosis in the evening after an MRI examination:
Inner ligament rupture, outer meniscal tear, inner meniscal crush, bone bruise the patella on the right knee joint.
After optimal acute care, one day after the game only gently edematized knee joint therapy can be started. The Muscle status had already changed so that the muscles on the lateral chain on the right lower extremity, especially the iliotibial tract, very were hypertonic. The inner band was shown to be valgus stable, only the outer rotation test was painful. Pressure tolerances were high in the area of ​​the inner ligament of the joint space, as well as in the area of ​​the ventral tibia plateau. The passive Stretching was possible, overstretching was painful. Likewise the flexion from 100 Degree.
In addition to de-edematizing measures such as manual lymphatic drainage and ointment, or Retterspitz bandages, should especially improve the pain situation significantly become. For this purpose, manual joint techniques were used, but in particular techniques of myofascial integration.
Already on the second day post-traumatically, the therapeutic goal was to close the lateral chain detonisieren. For this myofascial line from the lateral maleolus to the trochanter major pulled over the entire leg. This, quite painful Treatment should visibly improve the metabolic status. Likewise, the "Retraced" course of the inner band. Here the line started on the inner ankle, led over the medial tibia edge to the pes anserinus and then on over the m.adductor longus to the os pubis. To the desired increase in To maintain metabolism, both regions were each with 6 minutes of deep heat treated with the Skanlab Bodywave.
At the beginning the workload was twice 12 minutes, after 10 days and one irritant pain-free knees twice 35 min. In addition to the myofascial lines on chains and chains that change every day
The trigger point treatment for activated herds was the Skanlab Bodywave constant companion. It has been shown to be very positive after a myofascial Treatment or a trigger point treatment the therapeutic success with deep heat
to extend. It is unfavorable to the deep heat before these manual treatments apply. The tissue is significantly changed by the effect of deep heat and the manual treatment becomes more difficult, the plasticity of the tissue is changed and it is difficult to find your "grip" as a therapist.
It has also been used to prepare for active sensorimotor exercises
Metabolism-increasing and pain-relieving effects of deep heat as extreme shown helpful.
In addition to the lateral and medial chain on the lower extremity, too significant changes in the tissue in the area of ​​the lumbar spine and pelvis be treated. The entire concept started on the 13th post-traumatic day supplemented by running units. Initially with therapeutic running of a long duration from 10 minutes to endurance units of 50 minutes in the GLA I area.
After tolerance to stress, strength and endurance units were combined with sensorimotor training and coordinative units.
On the 21st day there was a first stress test with sports-specific content such as sprint, Jump and shoot turned out very positive
Development of theory and practice about the traditional shortwave devices - New appliance tested over 3 years based on obtained results from standardized forms for treatment with Skanlab 25 Bodywave in the period 01.04.88-01.03.91 Kjørvik, O.E., fysio (MT) Frøseth, H., fysio.Myklebust M.,fysio. Høye,K.
Based on the old SW devices we would do a survey to see if the electrotherapy in this field had gone any further. It was used a Norwegian-produced device called Skanlab 25 Bodywave which provides one electrostatic alternating current field of 1.0 MHz (300m) and has an output power of max 25 W.
Particular attention was paid to pain reduction, vascular / circulatory effects
deep-lying connective tissue structures, contractile element, and intra- and peri-articular structures of collagenous tissue. The diagnoses have been related to the musculoskeletal system and the most common ones that occur in institute practice, possibly an overweight of sports injuries. To some extent, we have run blind tests with other devices to exclude some of the placebo effect, but more objective physiological tests are kept outside and we have concentrated on the concept of Bodywave and the practical / clinical observations made.
We have had very good results in the treatment of intra-articular disorders,
cruciate ligament injuries and deep ligaments, especially those related to spine / sacrum. In particular, the results in the treatment of chronic pelvic pain, deep ligament and stretch injuries and to some extent treatment of certain cases of fibromyalgia / soft part rheumatism has been striking good and concurrent.
The results now available with treatment with Skanlab 25 Bodywave appear clearly indicating that we have here received an electrotherapeutic that extends our possibilities to adequate tissue impact in physical medicine. Especially applies to influence of deeper structures of collagenous tissue and treatment through and behind cartilage and bone tissue
It is my engagement within the medicine of physical training and the mass media’s interest in the top athletes which have made my way of treatment well-known. I will underline that I always have the Skanlab 25 with me as part of the luggage when I am out travelling with the Norwegian Representation Team in football.
Skanlab 25 has become for us all the apparatus which we are using at the most, besides the TNS. We have also experience with laser, ultrasound, Rebox, Faradic and Galvanic current.
It's in fact the warmth in the apparatus which gives a pain-relieving effect and gives us the possibility to proceed in the total treatment.
I can give my recommendation to the apparatus as good as device within sufferings from physical training and in the treatment of muscular/skeleton problems.
Regards, Knut Høye (sign.)
User report for treatment on whiplash patient by using Skanlab 25 Bodywave
Physiotherapist Espen Jacobsen, Fysioterapiklinikken, Oslo
I have been using Skanlab in more than 2 years now also in treatments of patient with Whiplash problems. Based on these results I have made some interesting experience.
I have not still had a patient with whiplash problems that have not had any effect by using Skanlab-treatment. I have also treated lots of patient with whiplash problems that have been looking for adequate treatment and have now made Skanlab as the "therapy of choice".
Espen Jacobsen Physiotherapist
User report by using Skanlab 25 Bodywave
Ove Torsteinsbø, Madla Fysikalske
After a year's experience of using the Skanlab 25, the apparatus has proved to be efficient in the physiotherapeutic treatment of a number of sufferings in the muscular/skeleton-system.
In addition to the analgesic effect the treatment seems to have a deeper vasodilating effect, arthrogenic as well as extra-arthrogenic.
After a few treatments we often reach a satisfactory improvement which enables us to start the physical training earlier.
The Skanlab 25 will be suitable in any institution where treatment of muscular/ skeleton-system takes place.
User report by using Skanlab 25 Bodywave
Physiotherapist Jan Krokaas, Sentralstasjonen Fysikalske Institutt
I have used Skanlab 25 daily during the last year, both in the institutes and together with my work together with The Norwegian Ice-hockey Association.
My experience with the device during this time is absolutely positive. I would like to underline the positive effect for treatment of acute Tendinitis and muscle injuries.
User report by using Skanlab 25 Bodywave
Chiropractionist Thore Bjølstad, Bjølstadklinikken, Fredrikstad
In my six years career as a practicing chiropractor I have for the last three to four years worked with electrotherapy as necessary and important supplementary treatment to the traditional chiropractic techniques.
I have worked with laser heat treatment for several years,
and the last two years I have had a broad experience using the Skanlab 25 Bodywave.
My treatment of choice on both acute and chronic inflammations is definitely the Scan Lab 25. It has a very immediate response after the treatment application. Examples of diagnoses with successful treatment results: Subacromial bursitis, Glenohumeral capsulitis, Frozen shoulder, Chondromalacia Patella etc.
User report by using Skanlab 25 Bodywave
Physiotherapist Harald Frøseth
Østerås Fysikalske Institutt
The author has participated in some of the tests and studies done on Skanlab Bodywave.
After using Skanlab 25 during 1 1/2 year I am able to report as follows:
During many years’ experience in using different kinds of electrotherapy it seems to me that Skanlab 25 Bodywave is to be, the most important - say the most effective supplementary instrument in treatment of the following diagnoses:
1.Rotator Cuff Syndrome as tendinitis in the supraspinatus muscle, infra spinatus as well as subscapularis. In the latest you have the possibility to concentrate the effect in focusing the tuberculum minus, which is more difficult in treatment with other electrotherapy instruments.
2.Epicondylitis radialis et ulnaris. We always have problems to get good results with different treatment applications. All the same use of Scan lab combined with muscle stretching seems to me to be the most suitable combination.
3.Tendinitis related to trochanter major as first -of all m. piriformis gave good results.
4. Sport injuries like ankle distortion, that is the most common of ligamentous diseases.
User report in User Meeting
In particular, there are 6 types of injuries that have produced very good results:
A: Inflammation:
- Tibialis Periostitis Tennis Elbows (Epicondylitis)
- Achilles tendon injuries
- Chondromal./patellae
B: Swelling:
- Knee acute / subacute
- Foot acute / subacute
- (Charley horse) – cramp
- Distortions (feet, fingers)
- Frozen shoulder
- trochanter tendinitis
E: Ligament injury
- Ankle
- Knee
- Arthrosis
- Myosis
- Mobilization
A note from Prof. Kåre Rodahl on a copy of a patient data sheet from his tests on deep heat in hamstring muscle
A post-it note attached to a copy of the study document sheet of paper:
“Dear Syvertsen,
Any better evidence than this, that Skanlab 25 develops heat in the deep tissue, nobody can wish for.
31.1.1997 K. Rodahl”

User experiences with Skanlab 25 Bodywave
A user survey to map diagnosis areas
by SINTEF Unimed v / Tone Øderud. 26.06.98
A survey was conducted in which 100 questionnaires were sent out
physiotherapists / institutes using Skanlab. A response rate of 50% was achieved.
The data from the survey is registered and processed in the SPSS statistical program.
The informants were experienced physiotherapists, of whom almost 85% have used Skanlab for 3 years or more.
Skanlab gives a clear positive effect often in combination with other types of treatment.
• Skanlab is often used in combination with other types of treatment and it is therefore difficult to document the effect of Skanlab in isolation.
• Skanlab provides good depth effect, comfortable heat and a relaxing effect.
• Skanlab increases the tissue's elasticity and elasticity and it dissolves muscle tension.
• Skanlab is often used in combination with exercise, stretching and / or massage.
• Other electrotherapy therapy is used in combination with Skanlab just under 20% off
• From the physiotherapists' experience and the statistical material, it seems to be
correlation between the effect of treatment and the strength used - increased strength seems to give increased effect.
• The average effect of treatment with Skanlab is 4 on a scale of 0-6 (no effect -
very good effect). A result of around 4 is considered very satisfactory.
• About 90% of patients receive treatment with Skanlab for 6 - 13 minutes.
• Over 80% of patients are treated with strength 4-7.
• Many people begin treatment at the highest strength and reduce if the patient feels
• 85% of patients are treated with Skanlab 2-3 times a week.
• 75% of patients receive treatment with Skanlab a total of 7 - 12 times.
• 47 of the 50 physiotherapists / institutes had used Skanlab to treat epicondylitis and m.supraspinatus tendinitis.
• Over 30 out of 50 have used Skanlab for the treatment of hematrosis in quadriceps, m.levator scapulae, ankle distortion and gonarthrosis.
User report Morten Aamodt
former National team Physiotherapist in the Norwegian Ski Association
Physiotherapist with private practice
I have had Skanlab as one of my most important tools at work in our department and on tour with the national team in cross country. Was a physiotherapist for the national team from 1979 to 2000, then I joined from 2012 to 2014 when I mainly had our sprinters, plus I was on two World Cup runs. Have been to 5 Olympic Games and 7 World Championships.
Skanlab I have included from approx. 1990. Diagnoses in which we have used this apparatus are mainly musculoskeletal disorders ie myalgias, tendinitis, tendinoses and joint ailments. Neck, shoulder, epicondylitis, wrist ailments, backs, hips, knees, ankles etc.
Skanlab often uses before mobilization and in combination with laser and specific training.
Patients have expressed that they have provided good relief and helped to achieve a good result.
Have been following the development of the appliance and are impressed by what you have achieved.
Morten Aamodt
former national team physiotherapist in the Norwegian Ski Association
User report Physiotherapist Roland Svensson
•Oslo Met (University) Teacher in Electrotherapy, Skanlab Therapy, laser and SWT
•Swedish speedskating team, head Physio 1993-1994
• Teacher - Scandinavian College of Manual Medicine 1999-2005
•Teacher - Physical therapy education, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige 2000-2012 universitet Trondheim
•Teacher - The equit(horse)therapy education,Sweden 2000-2010
•Physicaltherapist for ladies elite soccerteam FL.F 2002-2011
•Seminar & courses for physical therapists 1994-> Norway, Sweden, Germany, Netherland, Denmark, India, Japan,
Saudi Arabia, Tunis, Poland, Slovenia, Greece, Austria, France and USA, (more than 100 entries).
At the request of Skanlab AS, I have been asked to write a few words about the Skanlab apparatus's place and function in physiotherapy.
My name is Roland Svensson. I work and have been a part owner in Åker Physical & Manual Therapy since 1989.
I have taught electrotherapy at several physiotherapy educations at the College and University level in Norway and Sweden. I have held courses in electrotherapy since 1994 where Skanlab is a natural part of the electrotherapy area. (see CV).
Based on the research done on treatment with a capacitive field, which Skanlab uses, one sees very good effects on pain and circulatory disorders in various diagnoses. We also see this in vivo when we treat patients with Skanlab.
Skanlab is an important tool with its place in physiotherapy in both acute conditions, sports injuries and chronic disorders, such as degenerative joint problems and chronic muscle pain.
The heat effect we manage to create with Skanlab has a very favorable effect on the pain and circulation. It has a great advantage over short wave, providing a very specific stimulus, while short wave embraces a larger area more than specific area. As a clinician and lecturer, I consider it a very important instrument for physiotherapists.
Bsc Roland Svensson
Report User Lars Eirik Borgesen
Physical therapist, Manglerud Physical Institute DA
Physiotherapist for Vålerenga Ice Hockey and age-determined national teams as well as the last 10 years as physiotherapist for the A-national team in ice hockey.
Have received a request from Skanlab Norge AS and give a statement about my experience and use of Skanlab in my work as a physiotherapist
I, Lars Eirik Borgesen, have been working as a physical therapist for over 30 years. Preferably worked in my own physiotherapy clinic, Manglerud Fysikalske Institutt DA and as physiotherapist for Vålerenga Ice Hockey and age-determined national teams as well as the last 10 years as physiotherapist for the A-national team in ice hockey.
I have had the pleasure and follow / use of Skanlab for about 25 years and followed the development of their apparatus. The latest generation appliances have also made it possible to use this over implants / protheses without the risk of heat in them.
Skanlab is in daily use here at the clinic and when we have training sessions, tournaments and the World Cup with the national team.
Here at the institute we have different patient groups with mainly musculoskeletal diseases such as different osteoarthritis, tendinosis etc.
In the national team, there are often shock / impact injuries that must be treated.
From experience, I use Skanlab as a passive pre-treatment before active exercises, mobilization. It gives a good feeling to the patient and to feel that the tissue is softening and the muscular tension / pain is attenuated. This also facilitates the initiation of mobilization and active movements that the patient should perform in the active part of the treatment.
Lars Eirik Borgesen
Physical therapist
Manglerud Physical Institute DA
Ryensvingen 5
0680 Oslo
Article in one of Sweden’s largest Newspapers – Dagens Nyheter
Norwegian electricity can make Patrik whole. New device heals damage in record time. Pernilla Wiberg has already received help
Electric current is one of the secrets behind the Norwegian sports wonder.
Pernilla Wiberg has received treatment and help to come back quickly. Now athletics Patrik Boden and Patrik Sjöberg will also be treated intensively.
Ultrasound, direct current and short wave have been used to treat sports, among other things
damage for 45 years.
A Norwegian invention is now revolutionizing the work of physiotherapists, chiropractors and naprapats.
Injuries heal much faster with the new method. Slalom star Pernilla Wiberg has undergone treatment for three weeks.
- With direct current, you work at a frequency between 2 and 100 hertz. This power supply operates on a completely different hertz, 1 megahertz or one million hertz. There is also the body's own frequency, says Lars Carlsson, sports injury therapist at the Sports Injury Clinic in Vänersborg.
The new device, Skanlab 25, works according to the capacitor method and creates an electrostatic field. Unlike any other device, the power goes through everything.
For example, it is possible to treat inside joints, where ultrasonic waves are difficult to reach. Newly operated patients treated with the method do not get any hard tissue in the scar.
Deep heat is created in the injury itself, circulation increases, the PH value changes, new healthy cells are formed and the healing starts.
- A lot has been written about capacitor treatment, but it has never been used practically. We have gone past the technical problems, says one of the innovators, Nils Syvertsen.
In Norway, the device was introduced five or six years ago. The Norwegian national football team was involved from the start. Among other things, Rune Bratseth has used the device extensively.
Dæhlie also
Now almost all Norwegian national teams use the apparatus. Skier Trude Dybendahl does not want any other treatment for her shin splints problems. Björn Dählie has also been treated.
- Elite-level athletes train their body at the limit of what it can withstand. If they exercise for half an hour, they can suffer an overload injury and be forced to rest for four to five days. With treatment with the device they can run the next day, says Lars Carlsson.
The first time Lars Carlsson saw the apparatus was at the bandy World Cup in 1991. But the Norwegians were not keen on telling what it was.
Lars Carlsson had acquired his own apparatus for the World Cup last winter. He has been working with the American bandyland team for eleven years. Now he had to move in and help the Swedish. Per Fosshaug came to the World Cup in principle as a tourist, hardly relevant to games because he was bothered by a groin injury. But after treatment with Lars Carlsson's apparatus, Fosshaug was able to play the entire World Cup.
Studies have been done with the new method and several are ongoing. In September, a study is presented by Professor Kåre Rodahl, world authority in physiology, in which the effect of treatment of the tennis elbow is documented.
For two months, Lars Carlsson has now traveled around the country, showing the apparatus for physiotherapists, doctors, chiropractors and naprapats. There is great interest. Several sports clubs have already bought the equipment, including the football clubs Kalmar FF, Öster and Helsingborg, and the hockey clubs Västerås and Luleå.
- But the apparatus is not just for athletes. It also helps ordinary people, says Lars Carlsson.
Help to Sjöberg
In Norway there are 350 appliances, in Sweden some forty. Among other things, Huskvarna Medical Center has used it for two years.
The Swedish athletics team's therapist Carl Askling was allowed to borrow an apparatus for the athletics World Cup. Patrik Boden and Patrik Sjöberg shall be treated intensively twice a day for their injuries.
If it becomes Swedish medals - yes, it will be in some way with Norwegian help.
Bjørn Fossan
Head Physiotherapist
Olympiatoppen - The Norwegian Olympic Training Center
The physiotherapists at The Norwegian Olympic Training Center regularly uses BTL 6000 Topline SWT and Skanlab Concept. So far, we have used the total concept mostly for intractable tendinopathies. And we are satisfied with the results of this treatment modality.
Austrian Physiotherapist magazine
First Youth Olympic Games, Innsbruck 2012
Chris Ogris
All hands full!
First Youth Olympic Games, Innsbruck 2012, by Chris Ogris
With Dr. Anion Wicker as medical director, the two ÖSV physiotherapists Evri Stattin and Nadja Eiche, Thomas Hebenstreit (leader physiotherapist department of the ÖOC – Austrian Olympic committee)) and myself to our quarter in the Austrian house of the Olympic Village in Innsbruck. We are top equipped with the various therapeutic devices from the Ad Rem team: Both the Skanlab25 Bodywave deep warmth scraping (particularly effective for muscular problems), etc.
Mobilization gymnastics or also the Skanlab25 Bodywave Depths could we, even after particularly exhausting applications, be able to provide heat therapy for creating fresh and relaxed young athletes
Die Deutsche Olympianmannschaft
Klaus Ederer
“Hello Nils Syvertsen,
Many thanks for the Skanlab! We have used it a lot!
Best wishes,
Klaus Ederer”
Jure Bornšek, dipl. fiziot., Therapeut of orthopaedic medicine and manual therapy for spine, Petra ÄŒebokelj, s.p., Slovenia/
“Using SKANLAB 25 Bodywave in professional sports is recommended for ease of use, ease of transport and efficiency. Using SKANLAB 25 Bodywave, rehabilitation is shorter, which is for the athlete and the therapist's most important”
The Norwegian Ice Hockey Association
Lars Erik Borgesen
Fysioterapeut A-landslaget Ishockey
The A-national team in ice hockey has for many years used electro-medical equipment from Skanlab. We are very pleased with the service and appliances they have provided.
During the run-up to the World Cup and during the World Cup, there is a great burden on players.
The Skanlab 25 Bodywave and Skanlab laser have been a good supplement in the rehabilitation of injuries that have occurred during this period.
Norwegian Skating Association
Alexander Killingmo Fysioterapeut Norges Skøyteforbund
In the 2013/2014 season, the elite group in skating made use of Skanlab 25 Bodywave. It has been good to have one in back as supportive treatment when muscle / skeletal complaints occur during long training sessions and competitions. We look forward to further cooperation.
Thanks and greetings from users/athletes
280 Olympiatoppen Beijing 2008 brev
281 Olympiatoppen Beijing 2008
282 Skilandslaget OL Lillehammer 94
283 Skiunderet OL Albertville 1992
284 Sveitsiske OL troppen 1996
285 Sveriges Bandylandslag 1993 VM guld
286 Tor Arne Hetland og skilandslaget
266 Dagens Nyheter Swe 1993 Patrick Sjøberg
267 alpinlandslaget 1996
268 Anders Ohlsson olympisk mester OL Bejing 2008
269 Atle Skårdal 1996
270 bronselaget VM 1994 Sverige
271 Fredrikstad Blad 1994 Espen Bredesen
272 hopplandslaget 1994 Planica
273 Lindford Christie 1995: I use it too!
274 Norges Fotball landslag EM 2000
275 Norges Fotball landslag VM 1994
276 Norges Fotball landslag VM 1998 mot Brasil - Ståle Solbakken
277 Norges Friidrettslandslag 1995 EM
278 Norges skilandslag 1995 Thunder Bay
279 Norges skilandslag 1996
....and many more!
Evaluation of the treatment of chronic chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy using long-wave diathermy and interferential currents: a randomized controlled trial.
Authors: Katarina Lindblad1 & Leif Bergkvist2 & Ann-Christin Johansson3
1) Department of Surgery, Västmanland County Hospital, 721 89 Västerås, Sweden
2) Department of Surgery, Centre for Clinical Research, Uppsala University, Västmanland County Hospital, 721 89 Västerås, Sweden
3) Department of Physiotherapy, School of Health, Care and Social Welfare, Centre for Clinical Research, Mälardalen University, Västmanland County Hospital, Box 883, 721 89 Västerås, Sweden
Group 1 (ITH) The interferential therapy and long-wave diathermy at high power group.This treatment group received ITH. Long-wave diathermy was administered at the soles of the feet using a Skanlab 25 Body Wave® apparatus.
Group 2 (LDL): The long-wave diathermy at low power group (control group) The control group was treated with only LDL in the low-effect range, which was applied to the soles of the feet using a Skanlab 25 BodyWave® apparatus for 6 min. This low effect was not expected to have any therapeutic effect.
This was a randomized controlled trial with assessment performed before randomization and 12 and 37 weeks after the baseline measurements. The study protocol was registered in Clinical Trials Gov, reference number NCT02088996.
Purpose The purpose was to investigate the effects of longwave diathermy in combination with interferential currents (interferential therapy and long-wave diathermy at high power (ITH)) in comparison with long-wave diathermy at a power
below the active treatment dose (long-wave diathermy at low power (LDL), control group) on sensory and motor symptoms in patients with chronic chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) in the lower extremities.
Methods Sixty-seven patients with chronic CIPN were randomized to 12 weeks of either ITH or LDL. Follow-up assessments were performed after the treatment period and at 37 weeks after randomization. The primary outcome was pain (Numeric Rating Scale (NRS)), and the secondary outcomes were discomfort, nerve symptoms, subjective measurement of dizziness (Dizziness Handicap Inventory), and balance.
Differences within and between groups were analysed.
Pain intensity decreased significantly only in the LDL group directly after the treatment period from NRS median 25 to median 12.5 (P = 0.017). At the 37-week follow-up, no changes were detected, irrespective of group (NRS 13 vs. 20, P = 0.885). Discomfort decreased significantly in both groups at both 12 and 37 weeks after the baseline (P < 0.05). Balance disability showed significant declines in both groups at 12 and 37 weeks (P = 0.001/0.025 in the ITH group vs P = 0.001/<0.001 in the LDL group). Balance ability (tightened Romberg test) increased significantly at both 12 and 37 weeks in both groups (P = 0.004/<0.040 in the ITH group) but did not improve in the LDL group at any of the follow-up time points (P = 0.203 vs P = 0.383). The onelegged stance test was unchanged in the ITH group after 12 weeks but improved 37 weeks after baseline (P = 0.03). No significant changes were observed in the LDL group at any of the follow-up time points.
Balance disability/ability
Both the ITH group and the LDL group showed significant declines in balance disability between before and after the test. The median value of the DHI decreased from 14 at the baseline to 8 after 12 and 37 weeks in the ITH group (P = 0.001 and 0.025, respectively). The corresponding values in the LDL group were 14 at the baseline, with a decrease to 9 (P = 0.001) 12 weeks after the baseline and 10 (P < 0.001) 37 weeks after the baseline.
Comments from Skanlab AS to this study:
Skanlab did not have any knowledge about this study until Dec. 2019. No involvement from Skanlab AS.
Skanlab has written an internal test study report commenting on this study. Skanlab considers the study to have a misunderstanding in the study design.
Test study of Skanlab NG Pro of measured output effect in watt at different levels
Skanlab AS tested a random Skanlab NG Pro device, and can show by controlled measurements, that the Skanlab device has a current effect in a patient equivalence device, even on lower effect settings. So Skanlab company is not surprised by the results of the study, that showed small differences in the 2 groups treated, due to there is treatment effect in both groups. But the conclusion of the authors is wrong, due to their presumptions that a Skanlab NG Pro device at 50% effect setting has no effect. This presumption is not scientific correct
Bøker hvor Skanlab er nevnt
Lærebøker som har med Skanlab apparat som en del av teorien