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What is the Skanlab NG Pro device?
The Skanlab NG Pro diathermy device is intended for the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries, degenerative musculoskeletal conditions and pain, and as part of a physiotherapy regimen that may include other treatments. Specific applications include:
• Acceleration of soft tissue and muscle healing after injury
• Control of pain, including joint pain
• Acceleration of joint healing and arthritis
• Better elasticity in muscles and soft tissues
And Skanlab NG Pro is also widely used for PREVENTIVE TREATMENT
How it works:
Skanlab NG Pro generates an electrostatic field energy with a frequency of 500 kHz (0.5 MHz). The watt power is 25 watts, and the power is based on creating an alternating static current that creates an electrodynamic field and therefore uses the complex of electrodynamics. The unit is classified as a longwave (600m) diathermy device (monopolar). The current is characterized by being a capacitive high-frequency current.
The device itself is grounded, but the patient circuit does not contain a "real" grounding electrode. Treatment electrode, and the patient's current return electrode are only part of the circuit to treat the patient, and to close the circuit. The patient's tissue is also part of this circuit. The effect of the heating is generated in the tissue under the treatment electrode.
The Skanlab device operates by dielectric or capacitance - When dielectrically connected diathermy is used, a rapidly alternating voltage differential is created which produces a rapidly alternating electric field in a circuit. The treatment electrode and the patient's return electrode are placed with adequate and optimal skin contact with the patient. The electric field penetrates into the tissues (through the surface of the enamel on the treatment electrode and the patient's skin tissue) in the relevant area of ​​the body. The energy enters the tissue via the treatment electrode and emits energy in the form of heat, and returns the electrode to the return current via the patient, thereby closing the circuit.
The heating effect in the tissue is below the treatment electrode. Due to the electrical charges in the tissue molecules, the tissue molecules will try to align with the rapidly changing electric field. This rapid movement, or alternation, of the molecules causes friction or collision with other molecules and produces heat in the tissue. The electric field strength is determined by the degree of potential difference between the electrodes set by the device's current regulator. Since the frequency is not varied, the average effect determines the actual effect of the heating. The heating itself is due to loss of energy in the tissue. This in turn provides less energy through the surrounding tissue and to the patient return current electrode.
At what indications does Skanlab NG Pro show a good effect?
Anatomical location / condition
Whiplash syndrome
Frozen shoulder
Impingement syndrome
Rotator cuff symptoms
Biceps longum tendonitis
Elbow / forearm / hand:
Pronator teres syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Finger ligament distortions
Lower back pain
Detoning muscles
Coaxial arthritis
Adductor tendonitis
Trochante bursitis / bursitis disorders
M. piriformis syndrome
Hamstring contusions
M. quadriceps contusions
Patello-femoral arthralgia
Ligament injuries
Runners knee
Jumpers knee
M. tibialis posterior tendonitis
Tibia periostitis
M. triceps surae
Ankle and Achilles tendon:
Distortion of the ankle with edema
Sinus tarsi syndrome
Achilles tendonitis / paratendonitis
Talofibular anterior sprains
Technical specifications:
Technical approvals: CE 2460
Skanlab NG Pro satisfies all orders and standards in accordance with the Medicines Directive (93/42 / EEC)
Standard equipment
Skanlab NG Pro
Treatment electrode, Ø30mm
Massive patient return current electrode (steel rod)
Complete electrode handles (remote control)
Electrode cable, black
Power cable
Optional equipment
Treatment electrode, Ø30mm
Treatment electrode, Ø23mm
Massive patient return current electrode (steel rod)
Flexible patient return current electrode (rubber plate 8x12cm)
Complete electrode handles (remote control)
Electrode cable, black
Power cable
Skanlab Therapy Electrode Cream, 1ltr
Skanlab Therapy Electrode Cream, 5ltr
Technical specifications
Main voltage: 100-240 Volts,
Frequency: 50/60 Hz
Current: 0.6 –1.2 A.
Max. Output power: 25W
Continuous output frequency: 500 kHz
The Device:
Medical classification: IIa (according to MDD 93/42 / EEC)
Safety class: In type BF, according to IEC 60601-1
Patient leakage current: better than IEC requirements (IEC <100 µA)
Ditto, first fault condition: better than IEC requirements (IEC <500 µA)
Safety test: CE-MDD
Dimensions: 302x300x126.5mm (l x w x h)
Weight: 4.3 kg
Fuses: 2xT 2.5A H 250V
Environmental conditions:
Environmental conditions for transport and storage
Environmental temperature: - 10 C to + 40 C.
Relative humidity: 10 to 90% (no condensation)
Atmospheric pressure: 500 to 1060 hPa
Environmental conditions for normal use:
Environmental temperature: - 10 C to + 40 C.
Relative humidity: 10 to 90% (no condensation)
Atmospheric pressure: 800 to 1060 hPa
Classification: CE 2460
Classification of Skanlab NG Pro
Class IIa according to the Medical Devices Directive (MDD 93/42)
Software Class:
A, according to EN ISO 62304, Software Safety Classification
Implemented security standards:
• IEC 60601-1: Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General safety requirements
• IEC 60601-1-2: Electrical Medical Equipment - Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and critical performance - Section 2: Safety standard: Electromagnetic interference - Requirements and tests
• IEC 60601-1-4: Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-4: General safety requirements - Safety standard: Programmable electrical medical systems
• IEC 60601-1-6: Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General safety requirements - Section 6: Safety standard: Usability
• IEC 60601-1-11: Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and critical performance - Section 11: Safety standard: Requirements for medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems used in the home health environment
• EN ISO 62304: Software for medical devices - life cycle processes for software
• EN ISO 14971: Medical devices - Use of risk management on medical devices
• EN ISO 10993: Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 1: Evaluation and testing in a risk management process 13.7 Production standards
• EN ISO 13485 Medical devices - Quality management systems Requirements for regulatory purposes
Contact Skanlab AS for
In-depth information / documentation
Precautionary information
Information on contraindications
Information on practical use