Phone: +47 69 35 20 80 | Email:

Have you ever needed help with:
Warming of deeper tissue structures?
Better pain relief in connection with rehabilitation?
Increase elasticity in the tissue?
Increase local blood flow?
Local heating before training and / or manual treatment?
Do you want to prevent injuries?
Skanlab NG Pro helps you!
We have now also got Swedish pages - for all our Swedish friends!
Select Swedish flag at the top of the language menu!
Check out the new devices added to Enraf ​​- Nonius electromedical equipment:
Endomed 482
Vacotron 460
Sonopuls 492 m / vacuum
Click here and scroll down the page

Trusted partner of
PowerMedic Lasers Aps

Trusted partner of
Enraf-Nonius B.v.

Trusted partner of
BTL Industries

Trusted partner of Reimers & Janssen GmbH
In addition, we have products from leading and innovative players in the industry

Norwegian Icehockey WC 2022
The A national team in ice hockey has for the past 6 years used electromedical equipment from Skanlab AS. We are very happy with the service and the appliances they have assisted with.
In the run-up to the World Cup and during the World Cup, there is a great strain on players. Skanlab Therapy has been a good supplement in the rehabilitation of injuries that have occurred during this period.